Good help is hard to find, especially in development.  

Major gift development in particular requires a unique type of individual to succeed. 

Successful development professionals aren’t all cast from the same mold. They come in every conceivable shape and size (literally and figuratively). Few start out as fundraisers. Most come into this profession after doing something else initially in their career. Over the past 30+ years, we've met former missionaries, teachers, sales people,  psychologists, marketers, pastors, professional golfers, and farmers who performed exceptionally well in this field.

At DickersonBakker we’ve had the privilege of working with many top-producing major gift fundraisers. We’ve also conducted in-depth background checks and administered personality tests to many of them as part of our Talent Solutions Program.

Based on these results and observations, we've been able to identify ten characteristics that many top-producing major gift fundraisers have in common.

Download this white paper to learn more about:

  • What separates successful major gift fundraisers from everyone else.
  • What you need to look for when filling a major gift fundraising role at your nonprofit.
  • What you should expect from these fundraisers once you have them in place.