Key Findings from A Better Way:
A National Study of Leadership & Fundraising in a Rapidly Changing World

DickersonBakker's latest research, ‘A Better Way: A National Study of Nonprofit Leadership & Fundraising in a Rapidly Changing World,’ unveils insights that reshape our understanding of the nonprofit sector. In this study, we asked leaders and frontline fundraising professionals for their candid assessment of how their organization is doing. Nonprofit leaders and fundraising staff recognize that things are not as they should be.

Many respondents doubt the wisdom of their organization’s current strategic direction and they believe their organization’s fundraising is focusing on the wrong priorities.

The research is clear--nonprofits need a better way forward.

This research brings to light key takeaways with the potential to revolutionize how we approach and address leadership, fundraising, and the challenges faced by nonprofit organizations today.

Presented by: 


Derric Bakker, MBA


Andrew Olsen, CFRE
Senior VP, Fundraising Solutions


Amber Christoferson
Group VP, Executive Search